Wheatstone LNG Standby Gensets

Avid manufactured, installed, commissioned and tested the generator control and synchronising systems for six CAT C175 enclosed diesel generator sets for Western Australia’s benchmark Wheatstone LNG project. With the gensets supplied by Energy Power Systems Australia and installed into enclosures by Aerison, Avid’s team worked closely with both EPSA and Aerison to install

11kV circuit breaker testing

Action shots Akshay testing an ABB VD4 11kV 1250A Circuit breaker using Omicron Cibano standard set up covering Trip, Close and Under-voltage Coil testing Steve testing a Merlin Gerin MCSet 11kV 1250A Circuit Breaker using the Omicron Cibano with CB MC2 set up covering Trip, Close and Ductor testing.

6.6kV Substation Upgrade

lifting of switchgear cable terminations a proud moment removing old gear Team Work Eaton UX 6.6kV switchgear

Caterpillar 3512

Generator Enclosure Fit Out. 2 x 3512 Caterpillar Generator. Installation of all internal fixtures and fittings in the 2 generator enclosures, including control panel and Circuit breaker panels. A fire protection systems was also installed in both enclosures. RESPONSIBILTIES Electrical and Mechanical Installation Supply of Electrical Equipment Site Commissioning Factory Acceptance Testing Site Acceptance

Diesel Trailers

Avid has fabricated and installed decontactor panels and completed wiring and testing of numerous mobile Cummins generator sets ranging from 150kVa to 275kVA, to be used on mine sites in the north of Western Australia. Control and safety wiring, internal and external lighting cabling, and charging solar panels were installed at Avid’s Forrestfield premises

Enclosed Standby Generators

Avid designed, fabricated and installed the generator control systems and internal switchboards for two standby generator set enclosures for a remote mine site, as well as performing the small power and lighting fit-out and generator commissioning. Following client acceptance in the metropolitan area, the units were dispatched to regional Western Australia where they were […]