Gold Mine Switchboard

Avid supplied two modular switchrooms for an overseas gold mine. The switch rooms were manufactured from modified sea containers with three 40′ containers joined to create a large Process Plant room. An 18m long back-to-back LV Eaton switchboard was manufactured by Avid and installed into one of the room modules, while a 5-tier HV
Kwinana outdoor MCC

low voltage switchgear outer enclosure platform AVID installation AVID installation AVID installation Western power metering panel Western power metering panel logstrup switchgear
Industrial Site at Kwinana (Switch-Room & 6.6kV Switchgear Installation)

A few of the major challenges of working on a brownfield site are: Constructing and assembling the 6.6kV of 25 panels MCC Eaton UX switchboard, lighting, DB, DC batteries, comms panel, marshalling panel and remote switching panel. The site had constraints for switch room location.
Lithium mine in the south west

outdoor enclosure LV MCC ready to be lifted Logstrup LV MCC
Mine Switchboard and Room Fitout

Client: Como Engineers
NOVA Nickel Switchboard

Avid manufactured a 1600A LV switchboard for Zenith Pacific for use in the Nova Nickel Power Station upgrade. This board was the first Eaton xEnergy switchboard of its type to be manufactured in Australia. The switchboard measured over 5m in length, IP55 rated and conforms to Australian Standards. Eaton’s withdrawable breakers minimise downtime in […]
Power station – motor control center

AVID is excited to been awarded and completed an important 2000A – 50kA low voltage type tested switchboard utilizing the Logstrup switchboard with Schneider equipment. These are many of the photos during construction stage.
Assembly of SCADA panel

SCADA panel
Switch-room installation

VSD installation low voltage installed in switch-room switch-room preparing for transport
Underground Low Voltage Project