Monford Cunderdin switchrooms
Supply and install prefabricated, modular, transportable substation building, including all the building ancillary systems. Install free issue GIS 33 kV Switchgear, including measurement, protection, and control systems. The Substation Automation System (SAS) for the 33kV Switchgear including at least: Local HMI Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Control network Interfaces to third-party systems All the necessary […]
Lycopodium – Liontown switch-rooms
AVID Group been engaged by Lycopodium – Liontown to construct: Crushing MCC and Switchroom Flotation MCC and Switchroom Concentrate & Tailings MCC and Switchroom Reagents & Services MCC and Swithroom Milling and Tantalum Recovery MCC and Switchroom Grinding MCC and Switchroom Tantalum Recovery MCC and Switchroom
BHP Nickel West Control rooms
AVID Group been engaged by BHP / TransAlta to construct their SCADA Control room at their Leinster and Mt Keith Solar farm respectively.
Premier Coal Kiosk substation design and construct
This project required AVID Group to undertake the design, manufacture and assembly requirements for kiosk, transformer, low voltage Logstrup type tested motor control centres (MCCs) and switchboards for Premier Coal’s Water Treatment Plant Relocation Project. It also covers motor starter panels and distribution boards where applicable. The low voltage motor control centres and switchboards shall […]