Transformer and LV – Kiosk IP56 rating

AVID Group has completed a Kiosk with low voltage switchboard and transformer for Oil and Gas customer in Kwinana installed with arc flash sensors.
Harriet Alpha Platform

1x Caterpillar G3512 DITA (794bkW p.u.) natural gas generator with stainless steel cyclone proof enclosure, two custom free standing stainless steel cyclone proof IP66 control panels (one for new generator and one for existing) and additional upgrade of existing generator control systems. Petroleum application. RESPONSIBILITIES Design Electrical Installation and Equipment Supply Factory Acceptance Testing
low voltage main switchboard

AVID Group has completed a project for APA – gas compressor application
Ocean Legendre Platform

1x Caterpillar 3406 DITA (400kW p.u.) enclosed essential diesel generator package. Petroleum application. RESPONSIBILTIES Feasibility Study
Phase V North West Shelf LNG Expansion

Emergency Diesel Generators. 1 x Caterpillar 3516B HD DITA (2000kW p.u.) and 1 x Caterpillar C18 (560kW p.u.) enclosed emergency diesel generator packages with custom local and remote control panels. Petroleum application. RESPONSIBILITIES Design Electrical Installation and Equipment Supply Factory Acceptance Testing Site Acceptance Testing Project Management Senior Project Engineering Contract Administration Quality
Santos outdoor distribution board

Wheatstone LNG Standby Gensets

Avid manufactured, installed, commissioned and tested the generator control and synchronising systems for six CAT C175 enclosed diesel generator sets for Western Australia’s benchmark Wheatstone LNG project. With the gensets supplied by Energy Power Systems Australia and installed into enclosures by Aerison, Avid’s team worked closely with both EPSA and Aerison to install
FPSO Standby Generator Controls

Ningaloo Vision Generator & Controls Upgrades