- Supply and install prefabricated, modular, transportable substation building, including all the building ancillary systems.
- Install free issue GIS 33 kV Switchgear, including measurement, protection, and control systems.
- The Substation Automation System (SAS) for the 33kV Switchgear including at least:
- Local HMI
- Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
- Control network
- Interfaces to third-party systems
- All the necessary connections (cabling and raceways) with the equipment located in the Collector Substation and in the Switching Substation (includes power connection with the step-up transformer, LV supply, when necessary, protection and control interfaces, communication interfaces, etc.)
- Installation, wiring, and interconnection of the cabinets in the 33kV switch room supplied by others: PPC, market systems cabinet, metering, communication cabinet, etc.