Avid has manufactured, tested and installed upgraded standby generator controls aboard the FPSO ‘Ningaloo Vision’. Operated by Quadrant Energy Limited (formerly Apache Energy) the controls upgrade was undertaken on board while the FPSO remained in production. This necessitated a significant focus on safety and the planned performance of the works to ensure that operations were not impacted, and rigorous testing of the upgraded installation was performed to ensure performance was maintained.
The installation utilised Woodward generator controls allowing remote monitoring, with two of the three engine governors also upgraded to Woodward UG15. The drawings and design philosophy were reviewed and approved by the Marine Classification Society Lloyds Register, as well as a detailed HAZOP assessment being undertaken ahead of commencement of any works on board. Class surveyors oversaw the testing and verified compliance with Class requirements as well as the operational requirements of the vessel.
The black start upgrade allows operation from fully manual to fully automatic depending on operator preference and vessel requirements, to ensure that production is able to continue in the event of mains power loss, providing safe and reliable operation for critical equipment.
Visit Website: http://quadrantenergy.com.au/our-business/production-facilities/#ningaloo-vision-operations